ISC - Regulatory Change Roundtable

ISC hosted another successful regulatory forum where Heads of Regulatory Change gathered to share their experiences and challenges implementing regulatory change in the investment management landscape.

Topics discussed included:

  • Can Regulatory Change be delivered using Agile?
  • How regulatory change is perceived and prioritised within other organisations?
  • Claims and penalty requirements under CSDR. How are you going to implement in time for February?
  • Understand how others are preparing for the CSDR Buy-in regime, given the issues around a single buy in agent?
  • What are the expectations of the EU and FCA UK PRIIPs revised deadlines?
  • How are firms planning to manage those contracts that are deemed as tough legacy – will they be included as part of the programme or managed by the business going forward?
  • Discuss what is coming up in 2022 that organisations are looking to address? With budgets being firmed up, what is ahead for the regulatory roadmap

Our next forum will be held in January 2022. If you are a Head of Regulatory Change in your organisation and would like to join the forum, please contact Kelly Goldie, Head of Operations ([email protected])


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