Rationalisation of Funds Range

The delivery of a new product requires the participation of multiple business teams and external service providers, each responsible for one or more deliverables.  Strong project management competencies are central to the successful delivery of a new product.

The Brief

A leading asset manager drew upon ISC’s expertise to lead a programme to rationalise a fund range.

Project Scope

The complexity of the programme required aligning the separate project strands to deliver an achievable schedule covering fund launches, mergers and closures, asset transition and the simplification of the management company structure.

Our Role & Value

ISC's role in the successful delivery of this project was based on the experience and skill we have in project management and business analysis.

Clients engage with ISC to achieve certain results: access to individual and collective experience, the ability to hit the ground running, understanding of the project lifecycle and successful navigation of the business environment. All these factors came into play during this programme, where ISC managed and navigated the project with our client.

The Outcome

The rationalisation of the fund range was completed, with twenty two funds optimised down to thirteen into a single cost effective fund range.

Consultant Reflections

“Having joined ISC in 2018, the culture of flexible working was already well embedded in the company. With the changes to working practices that the pandemic has brought, it was fairly straight forward for our consultants to switch over, as we had the tools, infrastructure and processes already in place.”

Neer Gandecha
Investment Solutions Consultants

The Importance of Regulatory Horizon Scanning and Tailored Reporting for Investment Managers

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Common Regulatory ESG Issues Facing Asset Managers

ISC has written an insightful article on the Regulatory ESG Challenges Faced by Asset Managers.

Around 530 million years ago, multicellular life burst onto the scene on Earth. Having been single celled for two billion years, this explosion of multi-cellular creatures became known as the “Cambrian Explosion.” In the evolutionary blink of an eyelid, life went from a few different types of single-celled organisms to a huge variety of diverse


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Product Master Series – Workflow Integration

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Product Master Series – Downstream Integration

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ESMA Clarification on AI for Firms Engaging with Retail Investment Clients

ESMA has issued guidance for investment firms using AI, emphasising client best interests, to ensure compliance with MiFID II and safeguard investors. Below is a summary of that guidance.

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers transformative opportunities in retail investment services, enhancing efficiency, innovation, and decision-making. However, AI also presents risks such as algorithmic biases, data quality issues, and transparency challenges. Despite the initial phase of AI diffusion, its impact on firms’ behaviours and retail investor protection is expected to be significant. Management bodies retain responsibility for decisions, whether made by humans or AI.

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