Is Change managed effectively by the industry?
A 1.6% failure rate seems very low. I have no evidence but... maybe if the Regulator asks what your failure rate is you underplay it.
A lack of psychological safety can lead to reporting downplaying issues and incorrect conclusions or decisions as a result.
Fortunately the report includes sound recommendations for strategies to ensure successful change delivery such as:
“We found that firms that deployed smaller, more frequent releases had higher change success rates than those with longer release cycles. Firms that made effective use of agile delivery methodologies were also less likely to experience a change incident”.
Whether it is technology change, business change or even regulatory change - implement smaller, iterative, less risky deliverables where mistakes can be rectified by a small step back rather than a largescale recovery effort.
It would be great to discuss the Implementing Technology Change | FCA with any Change colleagues – please get in touch to see how @ISCltd can help you with your Change practices.

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