ESG Forum March 2022
A warm thanks to our attendees and our two ESG expert speakers at the first ISC ESG Forum for Investment Managers.
At the request of the participants of our popular Regulatory Change Forum, we delved into some key ESG topic areas.
Verena Charvet - MBA, Consultant, Lawyer provided pinpoint clarity on the UK and European ESG related regulation that Investment Managers must be aware of.
With Chris Johnson we explored the ESG data challenge for Investment Managers, specifically with regards the availability and maturity of data required for ESG products.
During the Q&A, further areas such as the multi-jurisdictional challenges of ESG and the need for ESG to be embedded at both the strategic and cultural level of Investment Managers were discussed, with Verena and Chris providing valuable insights.
We look forward to hosting further ESG focused events and our Regulatory Change Forum continues to contemplate the challenges of the wider Regulatory Change landscape.
Please get in touch with Jonathan Boswell should you and wish to discuss practical approaches to implementing ESG – or indeed other Regulatory Change related challenges.

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