ISC launch Delivering UK Tax Transparent Funds Service
Tax Transparent Funds (TTFs) are being launched by organisations in the UK and 2015 saw a number of events by TTF providers promoting how they can support these new fund structures. ISC understand that these new tax efficient fund structures provide a great opportunity to both asset managers and owners. The UK Government has introduced regulation which allows UK companies to market equivalent tax efficient funds to those currently established in Luxembourg and Ireland. The rationalisation of funds can generate obvious savings for fund managers and the offer of tax savings for clients ensures these fund structures have recognisable benefits. These benefits make TTFs attractive to current investors and broaden the scope of potential customers.
ISC offer an end to end service to deliver these fund structures, from initial review to implementing the target operating model with those providers chosen as partners. The business case for any change requires sign off by both fund boards and investors ensuring they are of benefit to both. Delivering the business cases and ensuring the benefits are realised are the aims of this service.

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