ISC launch MiFID II Compliance Healthcheck Service
January 3, 2018
The EU directive MiFID II (The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) became effective January 2018. This Directive has been issued alongside its accompanying regulation MiFIR (The Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation).
Taking into consideration everything within the scope of MiFID II, this particular regulation has been one of the biggest to ever hit the industry and has led to regulators having enhanced visibility into market activity.
Now that many, if not all, MiFID II work streams have been handed over to BAU, it is prudent to take a step back and review the final implementation. Guidance continues to be refined, and regulators are set to conduct assessments of the market impact, along with individual firms' compliance with the directive. This continued focus from regulators makes complacency particularly unadvisable and an ISC Healthcheck will ensure readiness for regulatory reviews.

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