
ISC: Implicit Costs: Are you ready?

Of all the changes introduced under MIFID II on 3rd January 2018, it is perhaps the topic of costs and charges that has generated the most debate amongst asset managers. Specifically, implicit costs and charges

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Geoff Edwards retiring

ISC bid farewell to Geoff Edwards, Director of ISC who is retiring from the City. Geoff’s long and illustrious career in the City started at Ernst & Young as a trainee accountant. Over the years his career has touched almost every aspect of the investment management industry. In retirement

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ISC: LIBOR – Prepare for the next phase

Since the rigging scandal in 2008 the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) has been the target of criticism from the press, regulators and financial sector alike. The criticism centres around the apparent ease in corrupting the benchmark and the lack of underlying transactions supporting the published rates

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ISC: Accessing New Markets – All Roads Lead to China

As China continues to ease access to capital controls on foreign investors, investment managers are showing increased appetite for Chinese exposure. Chinese A shares already have already joined some key equity indices with established plans to ramp up the weighting over time

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ISC: Data Governance – when will you be ready?

Data governance has been around since the last millennia. Yet change management specialists and industry experts find limited evidence of wholesale success in data governance adoption within investment management and financial services organisation

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ISC: GIPS Compliance and Verification Service

ISC provide expert consultants to help clients achieve GIPS® Compliance. ISC will frame the project, assist in the selection of a GIPS® Verifier and ensure compliance by review of all required functions including pricing & valuation matrices, control procedures, client existence, policies and procedures, calculations

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