PRIIPs KID Deferral
There was no doubt a collective sigh of relief across the funds industry with a further extension of the PRIIPs KID transition period to January 1, 2023. A new deadline but the challenges of the implementing PRIIPs KIDs remains the same.
The transition for manufacturers of UCITS KIIDs to PRIIPs KIDs requires changes to the calculation and reporting of:
- Risk
- Performance Scenarios
- Transaction Costs
The extension provides the opportunity for the industry to avoid the last-minute dash to the line that is so often the case with Regulatory Change.
ISC has extensive experience in:
- Product Data
And can help you deliver PRIIPs KIDs.
Please get in touch to arrange a review of your current PRIIPS KIDs implementation, including supporting testing of your existing KID production processes, the identification of gaps and implementation of market standard practices.

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