Wow! This is a pretty strong endorsement of agile ways of working by the Regulator
This finding is significant and provides the solution for many of the issues that the FCA has uncovered in its report i.e. big change fails, emergency changes cause incidents, legacy infrastructure is a risk.
I asked Olina Glindevi – Agile Coach at WoW Agile – for advice on how Agile delivery methodologies can provide both delivery and control:
“Agile working with Target Steering, Quarterly PI Plannings, team selected OKRs and guardrails ensure that the direction of travel is true with agility built in to allow for pivots, experiments and course corrections – whist delivering smaller change at higher frequency”
Smaller, frequent, incremental change – on the right trajectory – is safer, easier and accumulatively can be as significant as big bang change.
It would be great to discuss the Implementing Technology Change | FCA with any Change colleagues – please get in touch to see how @ISCtd can help you with your Change practices.

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