
ISC partners with Fencore on Data Management Solutions

We are pleased to announce that ISC (Investment Solutions Consultants), a digital transformation consultancy, and Fencore, a data management software provider, are partnering to propel investment managers forward in their data management

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ISC Regulatory Change Forum June 2022

Thank you to @Jonathan Boswell and @Simon Haque for hosting a very informative Regulatory Change forum last month and thank you to those who attended we hope you found this useful and interesting

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Should the maintenance of legacy technology come before the implementation of new technology?

Obviously the legacy technology came first but should the maintenance of legacy technology come before the implementation of new technology

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Is Change managed effectively by the industry?

A 1.6% failure rate seems very low. I have no evidence but… maybe if the Regulator asks what your failure rate is you underplay it

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Definition of Change Management

The FCA’s Implementing Technology Change uses a definition of Change Management which sounds a lot like ‘standard’ Project Management

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Change Forum – June 2022

On Wednesday we hosted our Change Forum with our Change Collective partners

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We help with implementation