

Operational Resilience Update – Scenario Testing

Under Operational Resilience, firms must develop and maintain robust testing plans to ensure they remain within impact tolerances for each important business service. These plans should identify severe but plausible scenarios across various adverse conditions, reflecting risks and vulnerabilities. This information is crucial for a firm’s governing body and senior management to develop well-funded plans to address vulnerabilities

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The Importance of Regulatory Horizon Scanning and Tailored Reporting for Investment Managers

In today’s rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, investment managers face a complex web of compliance requirements that can significantly impact their operations. Regulatory horizon scanning has emerged as a critical practice to help organisations stay ahead of potential regulatory changes and ensure continued compliance. This article explores why, here at Investment Solutions Consultants (ISC) Ltd, we strongly believe that a robust approach to regulatory horizon scanning is essential and why the reporting produced must be tailored and focused to meet specific customer requirements

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ESG Post-Trade Governance – Potential Consideration

If you are an Asset Manager investing in ESG strategies, the chances are you will have a strong governance model over determining what represents an ESG investment in line with the strategy for which you are investing

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ESG Pre-Trade Governance – Potential Considerations

If you are an Asset Manager investing in ESG strategies, the chances are you will have a strong governance model over determining what represents an ESG investment in line with the strategy for which you are investing

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Operational Resilience Update – Mapping and 3rd Parties

Under Operational Resilience, firms must identify and document the people, processes, technology, facilities, and information essential for delivering important business services, including any third-party relationships that could affect impact tolerance

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Common Regulatory ESG Issues Facing Asset Managers

ISC has written an insightful article on the Regulatory ESG Challenges Faced by Asset Managers.

Around 530 million years ago, multicellular life burst onto the scene on Earth. Having been single celled for two billion years, this explosion of multi-cellular creatures became known as the “Cambrian Explosion.” In the evolutionary blink of an eyelid, life went from a few different types of single-celled organisms to a huge variety of diverse

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