
Jonathan Boswell joins ISC as Head of Regulatory Change

ISC are excited to announce Jonathan Boswell will be joining as our Head of Regulatory Change. Jonathan’s knowledge and experience in regulatory change roles

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Ben Walder joins ISC

ISC are excited to welcome Ben Walder as our Head of Transformation. Ben’s knowledge and experience in Head of Change and Transformation roles

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ISC – Regulatory Change Roundtable

ISC hosted another successful regulatory forum where Heads of Regulatory Change gathered to share their experiences and challenges implementing regulatory change in the investment management landscape

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LIBOR Transition

The FCA has recently provided additional guidance in relation to the winding down of the LIBOR interest rate benchmark

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ESG now more important than ever before

Investors are increasingly looking for environmentally and socially aware investments and the need to build ESG products is rapidly growing

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Is your organisation thinking about Operational Resilience?

The ever-increasing complexity of the Investment Management business require managers to put in place structures and controls

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