
Change Forum May 2022

We enjoyed hosting the ISC Change Forum Yesterday with the Change Collective: WoW Agile The Storytellers Rebekah Shepherd

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FCA’s Implementing Technology Change

Ben Walder, our Head of Transformation, is writing a series of posts on the FCA’s Implementing Technology Change report ( ) – sharing thoughts and ideas on the report’s key findings. Here is his 2nd post

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ESG Forum March 2022

A warm thanks to our attendees and our two ESG expert speakers at the first ISC ESG Forum for Investment Managers

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Are you a UK Investment Manager that trades derivatives?

If so, the FCA have pushed ahead with the implementation of the UK EMIR Refit with the five key changes:

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Implementing Technology Change

Ben Walder our Head of Transformation will be writing a series of posts on the FCA’s Implementing Technology Change report (Implementing Technology Change | FCA) – sharing thoughts and ideas on the reports key findings.??

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Michael Hilton joins ISC as Head of Product Practice

ISC are delighted to announce that Michael Hilton has been appointed as Head of Product Practice

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We help with implementation