
Chris Ayris joins ISC

ISC are excited to welcome Chris Ayris as our newest Consultant

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PRIIPs KID Deferral

There was no doubt a collective sigh of relief across the funds industry with a further extension of the PRIIPs KID transition period to January 1, 2023

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UK MiFID’s conduct and organisational requirement

Time will tell whether the FCA will diverge radically from the MiFID II Directive or remain largely in step

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The Temporary Transitional Power (TTP) is due to close 31/03/2022

UK investments firms whilst long used to operating under both UK and EU regulatory regimes would be recommended to ensure that they are in full compliance with the updated version of the FCA Handbook.

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The EU’s MiFID II ‘Quick Fix’ provisions will apply from 28.02.2022

The MiFID “quick fix” regulation is a standout in regulatory terms – it softens rather than tightens regulations

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Operational Resilience Deadline 31/03/22

The 31st March 2022 Operational Resilience deadline is 6 weeks away

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We help with implementation